Fraction of a Stain Glass Window

Ministries, Groups, and Choirs


The different ministries, parish groups, and choirs that help bring together the STJW community.


Eucharistic Ministers

To be an extension of Our Lord’s hands, feet and mouth through which He may nourish his people with his body and blood by prayerfully serving in the parish during Eucharistic celebrations.

Group Leaders: Farrah Campbell



The primary role of the Lector is the proclamation of the Word of God. This is a group of our brothers and sisters representing the community of St. Joseph the Worker Parish who help us with the reading of the Word of God during the liturgies.

Group Leader: Amelia Aliermo


Altar Servers

Altar servers have been a part of St. Joseph the Worker parish since its founding. The Altar servers have a very important role in the parish. They assist Father during the masses, funerals and weddings by handling various duties

Group Leaders: Merly Raposas


Youth Ministry

Youth are an integral part of a parish, whose purpose is to provide a fresh perspective on the situation/topic at hand. The youth ministry is a space where teens can learn, communicate and grow in a faithful environment.

Group Leader: Alston Moras


Finance Committee

As faithful stewards of God’s great gifts, the Finance Committee serves the financial needs of the Parish and its parishioners, advises the Pastor responsibly in all matters dealing with the sound fiscal management of the Parish resources and prepares financial reporting to parishioners and all governing bodies in accordance with diocesan regulations and legislative requirements.

Group Leader: John Campanella


Knights of Columbus

The Order has been called "the strong right arm of the Church", and has been praised by popes and world leaders for support of the Church, programs of evangelization and Catholic education, civic involvement and aid to those in need. An example of our work: at the request of Pope John Paul II, the Knights of Columbus financed the restoration of the facade of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

There are now more than 14,000 councils and 1.8 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Cuba, Guatemala, Guam and Saipan. 

Group Leader: Mike De Medicis


Catholic Women’s League

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.

Group Leader: Mary Lynn Porto


Legion of Mary

The Legion of Mary is a pious group rooted in devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and in service to the Church of Christ. Meetings are held weekly on Thursdays, from 7 to 8:30pm and the group offers diverse pastoral services within the body of Christ. Join the legion to have the opportunity to experience the joy of communal prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary, fellowship and meaningful outreach.

Group Leader: Felisa De Los Santos


Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy.

Group Leader: John De Schutter


Bible Study

The Bible has been written throughout history and culminates with the Birth, Ministry, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus. After 2000 years the Christian movement is extremely powerful, valid and important.

Group Leaders: John Campanella


Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

The Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help gathers together every Wednesday before the 7 PM evening mass to offer up their intentions and prayers to Our Lady. Join them every week for prayer, worship, and fellowship within the spiritual community.

Group Leaders: Nick and Debbie Boragina


Generation Faith

To give God glory, and support the Catholic evangelization mission of our Parish through His gift of beautiful and inspiring music. We remain inspired by Vatican II's direction with regard to "... sacred music, which is the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful ..."

Group Leaders: Lino DeFacendis



Ignited is the youth band that provides music for the 10:30 AM Mass and occasionally for Monthly Adorations. They live to serve the Lord God through their love for music in hopes that they can evangelize and ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit within those who hear them. Ignited enjoys learning new and upcoming Christian songs while still embracing traditional Christian music.

Group Leaders: Stefania Arizo, Kevin Arizo, Kelly Arizo, Matt Visitacion