
Support the Parish


Here are some simple and secure ways you can continue to support our parish:

  1. Traditional Offertory Envelopes: These are always available in the parish with your designated number.

  2. Online Donations: For a more convenient option, you can donate online using your credit card or checking account. Please click here to donate online 

  3. Pre-Authorized Giving Plan (P.A.G.): Tired of forgetting your mass envelope at home? The P.A.G. Plan offers a simplified and improved way to show your continued support for the parish and its community.

The Pre-Authorized Giving Plan is designed to make your weekly donations easier and more flexible. With the P.A.G. Plan, you can:

  • Customize the amount you donate.
  • Choose how often you donate.
  • Select the specific purposes or causes you wish to support.

This plan offers you the freedom to adjust your contributions according to your needs, providing a stress-free and modern way to manage your donations. Thank you!