Baptism Policy
We gladly welcome families seeking the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Thornhill.
Baptism is the foundation of Christian life, initiating children into the Catholic Church and their faith journey. We ensure each baptism follows the Catholic Church's teachings and the Archdiocese of Toronto's guidelines.
General Requirements for Baptism
Parental Commitment: At least one parent must be baptized Roman Catholic and demonstrate a sincere intention to raise the child in the Catholic faith.
Well-Founded Hope: There must be a well-founded hope that the child will be brought up in the practice of the faith (Canon 868 §1,2°). If this is lacking, baptism may be postponed until this assurance is given.
Parish Membership: Families must be registered parishioners and attend mass at St. Joseph the Worker Parish for at least 6 months. If they belong to another parish, they must provide written permission from their pastor.
Preparation Process
Baptismal Registration Form: Parents must complete a registration form, available at the parish office or online.
Baptismal Preparation Class: Parents and godparents must attend a preparation session to understand the sacrament’s significance and their role in the child’s spiritual formation.
Sacramental Participation: Parents are encouraged to attend Mass regularly and deepen their faith life, ensuring they can guide their child in the faith.
Godparent Requirements
Must Be a Practicing Catholic: At least one godparent must be a confirmed Catholic, over 16 years old, in good standing with the Catholic faith and actively practicing.
Baptized Christians as Christian Witnesses: A baptized non-Catholic Christian may serve as a ‘Christian Witness’ but cannot replace the role of a Catholic godparent.
Special Considerations
Non-Practicing Catholic Parents: If parents are not practicing the faith, they are encouraged to reconnect with the Church through Mass attendance and formation before the baptism is scheduled.
Parents in Irregular Marital Situations: Baptism is not refused due to a parent’s marital status; however, parents are encouraged to speak with the pastor about regularizing their marriage in the Church.
Families with No Catholic Parent: If neither parent is Catholic, baptism is generally not permitted unless there is a strong commitment that the child will be raised Catholic, such as through Catholic guardians.
Scheduling and Fees
Baptisms are celebrated on most Saturdays of the month at 3 pm.
A donation to the parish is appreciated.
Contact Information
For further information or to begin the baptismal preparation, please contact the parish office at 905.660.1253 or email at
May this sacrament mark a joyful start to your child’s faith journey.